I work in the area of crisis & relationship coaching. I support Clients in overcoming psychological crisis and in self-development by increasing self-awareness in private and professional relationships and parenting.
I am a certified coach and trainer of PCM® (Process Communication Model), SI RMT coach (Strategic Intervention RobbinsMadanesTraining) and a certified Crisis Consultant & Coach. I completed i.a. the Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma (NICAMB), specialization in Positive Psychology (University of Pennsylvania) and the trainer’s certificatied prorgam of the Familylab Foundation. I am a Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner.
I constantly continue my professional development through training in the most interesting trends in contemporary psychology and through supervision with experienced specialists.
Privately, I am a wife, mother and family life fan. I love reading, discovering quiet retreats of wild nature and observing relationships through the lens of various psychological models.
I live in Warsaw with my beloved husband and two wonderful children.
“We can change. But it doesn’t happen randomly. (…) We change intentionally, if we know what needs to be addressed.”
Dr. B. D. Perry
What can I help you with today?