I am a certified Crisis Consultant and integrative psychotherapist in 4-year psychotherapy training. I support clients in moving on from psychological crisis and increasing self- awareness in private & professional relationships and parenting. In psychotherapy I assist those, who strive for maturity, stability and sense of meaning at various stages of life.

I constantly continue my professional development by training in scientifically proven trends of modern psychotherapy. The current list of trainings and certificates can be found on my LinkedIn profile. I regularly supervise my work with experienced certified specialists. I am a member of the Polish Psychiatric Association and I apply the PTP psychotherapist’s code of ethics in my work.

I have experience working in business in managerial positions and a several-year period of maternity leave, which gave me the chance to re-evaluate my goals and explore my passions without inner compromise and in harmony with myself.



Anna Hady

“We can change. But it doesn’t happen randomly. (…) We change intentionally, if we know what needs to be addressed.”
Dr. B. D. Perry

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